Keys, registration document (V5C), wheel nut lock key if any.
Yes, you can drop off your car at any of our three Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs) in Edinburgh (Leith), Glasgow and Broxburn.
Payment will be in your bank by 5pm on the day of collection provided we have collected it by 3:30pm, otherwise payment will be made the following day. It is illegal to pay for scrap cars in cash.
We aim for same day collection at a date and time that suits you. Please let us know if there is likely to be any difficulty caused by restricted access, etc.
No - a friend or family member can be present instead as long as they have all necessary documentation and other items.
As long as you inform us when we confirm your details, that's no problem as long as the car is accessible.
We would need other proof of ownership, which we can discuss when confirming your details.
Just remember to remove any of your belongings and remove any house keys etc from the car key ring.
No - we'll do that for you and provide you with an official DVLA Certificate of Destruction (‘CoD’)