Dalton Group Ltd GDPR Policy
This privacy notice provides information about the personal information we process about you, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1. scrapmycarairdrie.scot is a trading name of Dalton Group Ltd
2. Dalton Group Ltd is a metal recycling business at the following addresses:
15 Youngs Road, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn, EH52 5LY;
52-66 Salamander Street, Leith, EH6 7LA;
247 Shettleston Road, Glasgow, G32 5JL;
3. Our ICO registration number is 00010077498
4. Please contact Nataliya Kindzhakova using the email address:
with any questions or requests about your personal information.
4. Your rights: We are committed to protecting your rights to privacy. They include the right to:
- Be informed about what we do with your personal data.
- Have a copy of all the personal information we process about you.
- Rectification of any inaccurate or incomplete data.
- Be forgotten and your personal data destroyed.
- Restrict the processing of your personal data.
- Object to the processing we carry out based on our legitimate interest.
5. The personal data we process, why we process it and how long we keep it for: As a scrap metal dealer, we are required by legislation to keep certain records for three years. These records may contain personal data and include:
- Names and addresses of suppliers of scrap metal and others we transfer metal on to.
- Verification of names and addresses such as copy driving licences, passports and utilities bills.
- Cheques and receipts confirming electronic transfers.
- Vehicle registration numbers.
6. Legitimate interests: We also process the following information because it is in our legitimate interests as a business buying and selling scrap metal to do so:
- CCTV footage (retained for one month unless it is needed for the investigation of a crime).
- Scrap metal dealer licence numbers, including documents related to our own licence
(retained for 2 years).
- Waste carrier registration numbers and any documentation related to our own licence
(retained for 5 years).
- Associated environmental permitting and waste shipment information (retained for 5 years).
- Invoices, receipts and accounts (retained for 6 years).
- VAT and tax returns (retained for 6 years).
- Employee data: As an employer, we process personal data pursuant to contracts of employment with our employees and retain this information for six years. The information includes:
- Names, addresses and contact details. This may include next of kin details.
- Pay and bank details.
- Curricula vitae, contracts of employment and appraisals, references.
- Health information with the employee’s explicit consent, which may be withdrawn at any time.
7. Sharing Personal data: We share personal data internally strictly on a need-to-know basis. Access to identity records and personnel files is limited to designated individuals. Hard copy documents are stored securely. Where these documents are stored electronically, they are protected and/or encrypted. We do not share personal data with anyone external to the organisation, other than:
- Our professional advisers.
- Police services (in connection with the investigation or detection of crime).
- Local authorities, Environment Agency, HMRC or VAT Commissioner (where required by law).
- Pursuant to a court order.
8. Information Commissioner’s Office: If you have any concerns about the way your personal information has been processed, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on
0303 123 1113.